Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blessed Sacrament School

Blessed Sacrament School has established a new Facebook page for its Annual Fund. They have also put together a delightful video of students thanking everyone for all of their support of the school.

Also, on October 4, 2013, there will be an "BSS Annual Fund Back to School Parents Night Out" at Samuel Beckett's Irish Gastro Pub in Shirlington, 2800 S. Randolph St., across from the parking structure. They say that it will be a fund way to gather with BSS friends and colleagues, to catch up with friends, meet new families, and get to know one another better, and to toast Blessed Sacrament's blue ribbon school. (Blame them for the bad pun.)

Our Catholic schools play an indispensable and irreplacable role in the education and formation of our young people. They are also a crucial component of the New Evangelization by being a bridge between the Church and the wider community, helping to make our world better by bringing the love and truth and light of Jesus Christ to others.

Unfortunately, the days are gone when parents could send their kids to a Catholic school for nominal cost. Due to factors in the economy beyond the Church's control, education expenses have gone up and up and up since many of us older people were in Catholic schools. Notwithstanding the enormous efforts of the diocese and the parish to keep costs down, including providing financial assistance themselves, more help is needed for families to be able to send their children to a Catholic school rather than be at the mercy of secular public schools, all too many of which do not share our Catholic values. The communities of Blessed Sacrament and Alexandria are no exception to this.

During his visit to the United States, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI made an appeal for the entire Catholic community to contribute generously to the financial needs of our Catholic institutions of learning.
Their long-term sustainability must be assured. Indeed, everything possible must be done, in cooperation with the wider community, to ensure that they are accessible to people of all social and economic strata. No child should be denied his or her right to an education in faith, which in turn nurtures the soul of a nation. . . .

Only in faith can truth become incarnate and reason truly human, capable of directing the will along the path of freedom (cf. Spe Salvi, 23). In this way our institutions make a vital contribution to the mission of the Church and truly serve society.
If you can help with your financial support, not only would families, students, and the Church be grateful, you would be making an investment in building a better, more just and more caring world. Please go here for more information on how you can support the Annual Fund.

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