At the 3:00 p.m. liturgy at Blessed Sacrament on Good Friday, the church was filled and the Passion from the Gospel of John was read. Father Rich Dyer said in his homily that it is from the cross that all of the sacraments come forth. While there is a certain sadness on Good Friday, there is also joy because it was through the cross that Jesus was victorious and triumphed over sin and death. Father Dyer noted, “His whole purpose was to save every one of us."
Following the homily was the ancient practice of the Veneration of the Cross as people come forward one by one to kiss the crucifix in a humble act of honoring the Lord's cross. May we always be thankful for the gift of Christ’s Passion and death on Good Friday.
"Behold the wood of the cross on which hung the Savior of the World. Come, let us worship."
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